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Quantitative Fit Test

Product Description:

A Quantitative Fit Test can be used to fit test any tight fitting respirator. It involves using an instrument to measure leakage around the face seal and produces a numerical result called a “fit factor”.

A fit factor of at least 100 is required for a half mask respirator and a minimum fit factor of 500 or 1000 for a full facepiece negative-pressure respirator depending on the protection factor required in use.

You’ll learn:

  • How to run and set-up a comprehensive respiratory protection program in line with AS/NZS 1715:2009 and the Victorian Department of Health.
  • A general overview of respiratory protective equipment including selection, use, and maintenance.
  • How to conduct mask fit testing according to the AS/NZS 1715:2009 and the OSHA fast fit test protocols.
  • How to use, care for, and maintain your fit test machine.

Call us now to book a Quantitative Fit Test today! 03 9747 9995 or email

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